Early Years

Establishing literacy and numeracy foundations

Primary: Early Years Program (Prep-Year 1)

The caring and supportive environment that our Redeemer Prep and Year 1 learning community provides is an ideal start for our young learners educational journey.

Students are at the centre of all that is done in the early years at Redeemer. They begin their educational journey full of creativity and curiosity, and we see it as our role to nurture, grow and develop that sense of wonder and discovery.

With a focus on fostering a love of learning, our Prep and Year 1 students explore the thrill and wonder of a rich environment of words and literature. Literacy, including a focus on letter-sound relationships, interactive skills and early writing development, provides the launch pad for developing fluency and confidence with all communication.


Prep classes have the support of a full-time Teacher Assistant in each class to assist in the high quality teaching and learning programs on offer. This also provides an extra set of hands to support the pastoral care needs of this age group as they transition into the formal school setting.

Specialist Subject Lessons

Specialist lessons in Mandarin, Music and Health and Physical Education (HPE) provide age-appropriate opportunities for our Prep and Year 1 students to learn, play and perform in a variety of ways.


The outdoor space for the Prep and Year 1 students allows learning to happen both inside and outside of the classroom ensuring that students connect with nature in a more authentic and hands-on way. Our hard-working early years team and facilities team work to create a play space which provides areas for students to be active, use their imagination and be creative.


Our approach to learning in Prep and Year 1 is informed by Reggio Emilia. Learning is curiosity-driven, child-centred and inspires creativity through provocations and the inclusion of student voice in the learning process. This approach to early years education allows students to connect with their peers to develop the confidence and creativity to take risks and open their minds to the discovery and learning that awaits them.

Parent Engagement

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s education. To celebrate the successes and joys that are such an integral part of the early years of education at Redeemer, we offer VIP & Me mornings to regularly allow parents and caregivers to engage with their children in the classroom setting.