
Redeemer Blog

Redeemer Blog Friday, 19 July 2024

NAIDOC Week Celebrations at Redeemer

At Redeemer, we have started Term 3 by celebrating NAIDOC Week! Below are some reflections of the celebrations:

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Redeemer Blog Monday, 15 July 2024

Mt Binga Outdoor Education 2024 Group 2 Reflections

The second half of the Year 9 cohort returned from their 4-week Mt Binga Outdoor Education Experience at the end of Term 2. Another fantastic experie…

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Redeemer Blog Friday, 07 June 2024

Staff vs Students Netball

On Wednesday, 5 June, students and staff gathered in our Multi-Purpose Centre for the 2024 Staff vs Students Netball game! The atmosphere was electri…

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Redeemer Blog Tuesday, 04 June 2024

Mt Binga Outdoor Education 2024 Group 1 Reflections

At Redeemer, all students participate in a four-week Outdoor Education experience during Year 9 at Mt Binga Outdoor Education Centre, located 2.5 ho…

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Redeemer Blog Tuesday, 04 June 2024

High Tea 2024

The third annual Redeemer Hospitality and Sport High Tea event was a great success, with students, staff and family members able to enjoy the deligh…

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Redeemer Blog Thursday, 30 May 2024

Year 1 VIP & Me - Books, Blankets and Biscuits!

As part of Year 1 genre writing this term, students have become well versed in fairytale literature and have discovered how their imaginations can a…

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Redeemer Blog Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Under 8's Day 2024

On Friday 17 May, we celebrated Under 8's Day with the youngest members of our Redeemer community. Under 8’s Day is a fun, vibrant event dedicated to…

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Redeemer Blog Tuesday, 19 Mar 2024

STEAM Club in Term 1

STEAM Club continues to be the hub of exploration and creativity with students delving into captivating activities that blend science, technology, en…

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Redeemer Blog Tuesday, 12 Mar 2024

"The Lorax" Children's Theatre | Rehearsals are Under Way!

The Children’s Theatre Production of "The Lorax" is a stage adaptation of the children's novel of the same name by Dr. Seuss, and is a family show fu…

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