School families who do not have a regular place of worship are very welcome to worship at Redeemer Chapel with the members of Our Saviour congregation.
Sunday Services
Sunday morning services begin at 8.30am and are followed by Sunday School (Kids for Christ) from 9.25am to 11.00am. The first Sunday of each month, an evening service is held at 5.30pm, which provides worship opportunities of a more informal kind, often with a youth emphasis.
For Pre-Schoolers
Playgroup meets Thursday mornings during school term at Rochedale Community Hall and is open to all parents from the Redeemer community.
For Junior School
The Kids for Christ program for Junior School age children runs on Sundays in conjunction with the 8:30am service.
For Middle Years and Senior Years Students
Our Saviour Lutheran Church also has a youth group that cater for students in the Middle Years and Senior Years - ‘OSY’ (Our Saviour Youth), Fridays during term time from 7.00-9.00pm at Redeemer Chapel.
Follow OSY on Instagram for updates on their weekly activities.
For Adults
Our Saviour Lutheran Church has a wide range of small groups, men’s groups, women’s groups and service groups available for adults of all ages.
Contact Details
For further information please see our Facebook page, contact the College on 07 3340 8888, or our pastor, Pastor Lee Kroehn on 3219 0055 or 0439 606 989 (home).
Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Worshiping in Redeemer Chapel
745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale
Church Office: Doorways
525 Underwood Road, Rochedale
Telephone: 3219 0055 (Wednesday-Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)
- Email: office@oslc.org.au
- Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OurSaviour
- Find us on Instagram: @OurSaviourRochedale and @OurSaviourYouth
- Find us on Youtube: www.youtube.com/...
Our Saviour Lutheran Church is an outreach activity in partnership with Redeemer Lutheran College.