Redeemer Lutheran College offers an Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) service to families with enrolled students. The service is programmed primarily for students in Prep to Year 7. Senior students may also be accommodated if required.
Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services (QLECS) Branch is a service organisation, providing professional governance and accountability, service management, support, advice and expert knowledge in the specialised field of early childhood education and care services. Redeemer OSHC is a locally managed QLECS service which allows Redeemer Lutheran College to manage the operation of the centre.

The OSHC Service has been established in compliance QLECS and the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care. Compliance covers program standards, physical environments, safety and Educator qualifications. The program will address children's individual needs and interests and encompasses the Curriculum for School Age Children in Australia - My Time, Our Place.
Redeemer's Outside School Hours Care facility is located in MA Block (former Middle School Office) to the left of the Junior School and adjacent to Simpfendorfer Drive.
We welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with you, sharing the exciting journey through Outside School Hours Care and providing your child with a safe, secure, supportive, challenging and stimulating learning environment.
Mrs Geena Barnes | OSHC Director