Redeemer's motto, Spes Nostra in Christo Est (Our Hope is in Christ), identifies Jesus Christ as the source and giver of faith, hope and direction in our lives. Students and staff are encouraged to strive to achieve to the best of their ability in every area of school life as they learn to develop and apply the gifts and talents God has given them. In this way we engage in a journey of discovery partnering with parents in the learning and teaching of their children.
In this way they will not only gain personally, but will, in particular, make proper use of the abilities God has given them. Redeemer Lutheran College sees itself as a partner with parents in the education of their children.
Redeemer is a school in which all teaching, learning and all other activities take place in the context of the Christian faith as understood and taught by the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Lutheran schools aim to encourage and support students, informed and sustained by the Word of God, to develop their God-given talents so that they may shape and enrich their world.
Lutheran schools are communities that value learning as God’s gift to people for their wonder, growth, and to inspire them to respond to the needs of the world.
Lutheran schools are communities of hope, nurtured by the promises of God’s word, love and forgiveness which empower staff and students to embrace the future with confidence.