Outdoor Education (3-6)

Outdoor Education is an integral part of Redeemer’s commitment to the personal growth and development of students. It provides unique, and in some cases, life-changing opportunities for students. The sequenced program aims to develop the following skills in our students from Years 3 to 11.

  • Self-confidence and self-respect
  • Responsibility
  • Physical fitness and an understanding of the importance of mental health and well being
  • Leadership skills and teamwork
  • An appreciation of God's creation and the role humans plan in co-creating and caring for the beauty and diversity and future of living things in our world.

Our Outdoor Education Program links the classroom curriculum to the outdoors, and allows students to learn through practical experience, reflection, and discussion. Students are challenged to engage in environmentally sustainable living practices and to develop key personal and social competencies.

Students engage in challenges and activities of varying complexity that require them to be creative, organized, and resourceful; whilst developing resilience and additional skills required to live harmoniously and sustainably in an ever-changing world.

Junior School Outdoor Education Program

The Junior School programs for Years 3-6 are age appropriate and build on the learning that takes place in the classroom. Students develop skills, knowledge, and experience in terms of relationships, independence, communication, problem-solving and collaboration.

The following Outdoor Education Experiences are held for students in Years 3-6:

Year 3Year 3 Camp: Redeemer Lutheran College, Stolz Oval (1 night)
Year 4Year 4 Camp: PGL Kindilan Camp, Redland Bay (1 night)
Year 5Year 5 Camp: Emu Gully Adventure Education Centre, Helidon Spa (2 nights)
Year 6Year 6 Canberra Tour: Canberra, ACT (4 nights)